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Long leggings Teyli

Long leggings Teyli

Regular price 469 SEK
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Black women's leggings combined with mesh in deep black. They are made of high quality bulky cotton with elastic thread. The leggings firmly hug the silhouette giving it a nice shape. They have a high waist, thanks to which they shape the silhouette, masking its imperfections, protruding tummy or excess sides so disliked by women. On the back the leggings have a cut, which gives the buttocks a nice round shape lifting them up. At the waist they are finished with a double layer of cotton, holding the leggings well and preventing them from sliding down. Along the legs from the hip line to the calf is sewn a thin see-through mesh, soft to the touch, which gives the leggings a lightweight and striking look. The seams in the leggings are flat almost invisible. Leggings because of the fabric's stiffness do not bulge at the buttocks and knees, after washing they return to their original appearance. Leggings will work well for everyday use, as well as equally in combination with a short top or T-shirt for various sports or gym exercises. The length of women's leggings reaches to the ankles and gives the effect of elongating and slimming legs. Every woman who lives actively should have them in her closet.

Cotton 92 %
Spandex 8 %
Size Hips width Waist width
L 102 cm 76 cm
M 98 cm 72 cm
S 94 cm 68 cm
XL 106 cm 80 cm
XS 90 cm 64 cm
XXL 110 cm 84 cm
XXXL 114 cm 88 cm
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